Dagadu Djokdja, a Well Known Place for Buying Souvenirs in Yogyakarta

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Dagadu Djokdja is well known as a great place to visit while purchasing Yogyakarta souvenirs. The product that stands out the most is a set of dice with extremely striking designs.

Dagadu Djokdja has been in existence for thirty years. The story about Dagadu Djokdja’s origins is also very interesting to read.

Merek Dagadu is the owner of the Yogyakarta-based company PT Aseli Dagadu Djokdja. A few other products from this line include key chains, stencils, bags, cups, and other items.

Dagadu Djokdja with Their Story

The Dagadu Jogja era is based on the work of twenty-five master architects from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. These students share a common interest in the fields of graphic design, urban, and tourism.

Based on their shared interests, they then opened shops selling alternative unique products in Yogyakarta, such as t-shirts,key chains, and other items. The aforementioned items are being sold at Yogyakarta’s Lower Ground Malioboro Mall.

The origin of the name Dagadu is from one of the members of their group, who speaks Yogyakarta dialect, specifically the word “dagadu,” which sounds like “matamu.”

This is the same logo that later served as inspiration for the brand name of the product, right before they started selling it. Eventually, Dagadu has officially became a brand of products sold in Malioboro Mall.

To indicate the location where the product is produced, the name is changed to Dagadu Djokdja. The purpose of the  long spelling in Djokdja is to provide a brief history of the city of Jogja.

Despite having several advantages, Dagadu Djokdja is still regarded as the most popular local product in Jogja. Even Dagadu Djokdja keeps pushing products so they can continue to innovate.

Not just t-shirt, but a variety of product types from Dagadu may be found. Among them are cardigans, sweaters, jakets, flannel kemeja, stikers, cups, and other trinkets.

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Dagadu Djokdja Stores

As of right now, Dagadu Djokdja has numerous outlets spread over several regions of Yogyakarta. Here are some details, as sourced from the dagadu.co.id website.

Even this July, Dagadu Djokdja has just opened its newest outlet at Badanra Internasional Yogyakarta (YIA).

1. Yogyatorium

Jalan Gedongkuning No.128, Rejowinangun, Kecamatan Kotagede, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

2. Dagadu Tugu

Jalan P. Mangkubumi No.62, Gowongan, Kecamatan Jetis, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

3. Dagadu Alun-alun Utara

Jalan Pekapalan Timur No.7, Prawirodirjan, Gondomanan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

4. Dagadu Marlioboro Mall

Malioboro Mall LG, Jalan Malioboro, Suryatmajan, Kecamatan Danurejan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

5. Yogyakarta International Airport

Ngringit, Palihan, Temon, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta

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Dagadu Djokdja Transformation

Dagadu Djokdja has its own product line, which consists of t-shirts because they are a popular culture during their founding year (2013).

T-shirts are considered to be an easy-to-sell product. Everybody will wear a t-shirt as a medium for intimate contact.

For example, when traveling to New York, “I will purchase a t-shirt that says ‘I Love New York,'” and when I travel to Singapore, “I will get a t-shirt that says ‘I Love Singapore.'”

Thus far, Dagadu Djokdja has utilized Jogja’s icons to explore many forms of design.

The designs created by Dagadu Djokdja include the illustrations of Tugu Jogja, city busses, and Keraton, which are characterized by a more sophisticated visual language that combines meaningful phrases and images.

The aforementioned idea has the potential to make people more confident, kind, sensual, and even fully emotional.

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Entering The Pandemic Period

“We are enjoying that moment,” stated Muhammad Mirza Arditya, CEO of Dagadu Djokdja, during their joint venture with Howdy Indonesia.

This starts when they enter the pandemi phase where during this phase, the store is opened but nothing appears. People who are belated are not allowed to go to Jogja because they are not allowed to.

Thus, we should start thinking about having a backup plan because nothing in this world is guaranteed to last forever and there will always be obstacles to overcome before reaching safety.

We must, therefore, be open to opportunities that will cause us hardship since we are unable to predict how they will turn out.

Online business growth cannot be stopped; everyone is drawn to the internet marketplace. They have already arrived there; Dagadu Djokdja has their own marketplace and website.

However, in some way, Dagadu’s profile character product does not necessarily need to be purchased online. The products that they also sell are merchandises, where people always tend to go to the store quietly and enjoy the atmosphere there.

They are able to take pictures, so there is a moment that is recorded when they visit Jogja. This is something that cannot be undone if they purchase Dagadu products online.

They believe that their products are stil has its own characteristics of marchandises that when people wanted to buy it, they wanted to feel the atmosphere of vacation, like this is the product that you can only obtained when you visited that spesific place of your vacation.

On the other hand, Indonesia’s quick fashion industry began to change as several fast fashion brands emerged. Nowadays, quick fashion has become an essential part of people’s lives. At this point, Mirzan started to notice that there was a business opportunity in that direction.

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From Marchandise to Daily Fashion Business

In 2021, they began to learn in order to change. They began to enter the world of daily fashion.

Most importantly, we can see that we have already gotten over our wave. As of now, in late 2020, they find varsity jacket to be quite trending, but there aren’t many brands that have made it.

Even though they didn’t realluy confident with that idea along with the Dagadu approaches, until six months, all the products are sold out at prices many times higher than t-shirts.

From varsity, we can also purchase other products such as cardigans, crewnecks, hoodies, and jogging jerseys with Dagadu graphics. And the consumers really liked it all.

“That was what made us confident, that was the result of out learning in 2021, and finally in 2022, we will start to run faster and confidently entering the realm of daily fashion,” told Mirza.

Regardless, the existence of a wide range of products does not prevent them from sticking to what has already shown to be our strong point thus far.

They still have merchandise because of it, which makes Dagadu bigger than before, and we won’t ever regret it. In any case, the consumer will have options later on.

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