Have you ever visited Yogyakarta Palace? The palace has a unique building. Check out the following information about the uniqueness of the Yogyakarta palace building.
Get to know the Yogyakarta Palace
Visiting Yogyakarta won’t feel right if you don’t visit Yogyakarta’s typical historical tourist attraction, namely the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace.
Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace is a cultural heritage building that has a series of unique and distinctive rooms and buildings. Of course, this building also has a specific name, function, scope and vegetation.
The Yogyakarta Palace has open spaces in which there is a courtyard or what is called an open room. Each platform is connected by a regol or entrance gate which divides one platform from another.
The buildings in each of these platforms also consist of two typologies grouped based on the roof support structure.
The first courtyard building typology in the Yogyakarta Palace Building is the ward. Bangsal is a building that has a row of pillars as a roof support structure. In the ward there are no walls to support the roof.
Next, the second typology is Gedhong which has a roof support structure in the form of a wall plane. The walls are made of wood and brick construction.
Buildings at the Yogyakarta Palace
There is a core area of the Yogyakarta palace building which is composed of seven series of courtyards from the north square to the south square. The buildings in the courtyard of the Yogyakarta palace are as follows.
1. Pagelaran and Sitihinggil Lor
The first Yogyakarta palace buildings were Pagelaran and Sitihinggil lor. This building is the first platform located just south of the North Square.
Performance is the most advanced area. In the past, this building functioned as a place where the Dalem servants faced the Sultan during royal ceremonies. In leading the royal ceremony, the Sultan was in Sitihinggil.
Sitihinggil itself comes from the Javanese word “siti” which means land or area, and “hinggil” which means high. Sitihinggil is land or an elevated area because it has an important philosophical function as the official seat of the Sultan during miyos and siniwaka.
The definition of Miyos itself is a condition where the Sultan and his entourage leave their residence while Siniwaka is when the Sultan sits on the throne.
then in this Pagelaran area there are also some special buildings of the Yogyakarta Palace such as the Pagelaran shed, the Pangrawit shed, the Pengapit or Pangapit wetan and the kiln clamp, the penmandengan shed which is divided into the wetan mandengan and the kilen mandangen, and the pacikeran barn which is divided into the wetan pacikeran and the kilen pacikeran.
While some of Yogyakarta’s palace buildings located in Sitihinggil Lor area are Bangsal Sitihinggil, Bangsal Sitihinggil, Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil, Bangsal Witana, Bangsal Kori (Kori Wetan and Kori Kilen), Bale Bang, Bale Angun-angun, and Bangsal Pacaosan.
Then in this courtyard there is also Brajanala Regol which connects Sitihinggil Lor Plataran with Kamandungan Lor Plataran.
2. Kamandungan Lor
Next, the second Yogyakarta palace building is the kamandungan lor. This building is the second platform which consists of several buildings including Bangsal Pancaniti, Bale Anti Wahana, and Bangsal Pacaosan.
Kamandungan lor also has another name, namely Plataran Keben. It is called Plaaran Keben because there are several large trees called Keben trees. Here there is also a connecting regol from Kamandungan Lor to the next platform called Regol Kamandungan or Regol Srimanganti.
3. Srimanganti
The Yogyakarta Palace building is Paltaran Srimanganti. On this platform, there is a main building located on the west side, namely Bangsal Srimanganti. Ward Srimanganti currently functions to perform the cultural arts of the Yogyakarta Palace and is also used as a place for the Sultan to entertain guests.
Furthermore, on the east side of Ward Srimanganti there is Ward Trajumas. Ward Trajumas is currently used to store several heirlooms belonging to the Yogyakarta Palace.
Apart from that, in Plataran Srimanganti there are other supporting buildings including Bangsal Pacaosan, Palace Security Office (security), Tepas Dwarapura Office and Tepas Halpitapura.
In the Plataran Srimanganti building there is also a Regol connecting Plataran Srimanganti with the next plataran. The connecting regol is Regol Danapratapa which is the link between Plataran Srimanganti and Plataran Kedhaton.
4. Kedhaton
The next building of Yogyakarta Palace is Kedhaton. The palace is the main courtyard that has the highest hierarchical order. The palace building is the center of the Yogyakarta Palace area.
In this building there are two main buildings namely Bangsal Kencana and Gedhong Prabayeksa. These two buildings are considered the most sacred buildings.
Bangsal Kencana is a building used to hold important ceremonies, while Gedhong Prabayeksa is used to store the main heirlooms of Yogyakarta Palace.
Other buildings in the palace grounds include Manis Ward, Mandhalasana Ward, Kotak Ward, Jene Ward, Trajutrisna Ward, Purwaretna Ward, Sedahan Ward, Patehan Ward, Gangsa Ward, Sarangbaya Ward, Hageng Order Office Ward, Danartapura Ward, Widyabudaya Ward Ward (Kraton Wetan), Kasatriyan, HB IX Museum, Batik Museum, Ceramic and Crystal Museum, Painting Museum, Kaputren, Panepen Mosque and Kilen Palace.
On Plataran Kedhaton there is also a connecting Regol called the Kemagangan Regol. This regol is the link between Plataran Kedhaton and Plataran Kemagangan.
5. Kemagangan
The fifth Yogyakarta Palace building is Plataran Kemagangan. On this platform there are several buildings, namely Bangsal Kemagangan, Panti Pareden and Bangsal Pacaosan.
Kemagangan Ward previously functioned as a training place for civil servants. However, Ward Kemagangan is currently used for shadow puppet performances and several other activities.
On the west and east sides of the Kemagangan area there is Panti Pareden which functions as a place to make mountain for the Garebeg ceremony. While Bangsal Pacaosan is used as a place of care (caos) for Abdi Dalem to maintain peace.
In the Yogyakarta Palace building, precisely on Plataran Kemagangan, there is also a connecting Regol. The name of the connecting Regol is Regol Gadhung Mlati which connects the Kemagangan plataran with the next plataran, namely Kamandungan Kidul Plataran.
6. Kamandungan Kidul
In the next Yogyakarta Palace Building there is Plataran Kamandungan Kidul. There are two wards in this courtyard, namely Kamandungan Ward and Pacaosan Ward.
Kamandungan Ward is one of the oldest wards in the palace area. This Ward was brought over by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I from Karangnongko Village, Sragen or what was previously called Sukowati.
Previously, the Bangsal Kamandungan building was the residence of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I during the war against the VOC. On this platform there is also a regol that connects with Sitihinggil Kidul, namely the Kamandungan Kidul Regol.
7. Sitihinggil Kidul
Finally, there is a Yogyakarta Palace building called Sitihinggil Kidul. This building used to function as a place where the king watched the training of the soldiers before the Garebeg ceremony.
In 1956, at the location of Sitihinggil Kidul, the Gedhong Sasana Hinggil Dwi Abad was built, which is considered a monument commemorating the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Yogyakarta Palace.
So, that was information related to the Yogyakarta palace building. Hopefully the information provided can be useful and broaden the readers’ insight.
Based on the information provided, are you interested in visiting the Yogyakarta Palace and examining the Yogyakarta Palace building? Don’t worry, you can visit this Yogyakarta palace tourist attraction.
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